How to Find the Perfect Small French Apartment Living Room

693 – Located in Juan-les-Pins, Southern France, a small French apartment is filled with energy. Being just over 400 square meters, this small French house uses it spacious space very efficiently! The color scheme of the home is an enticing rich blue that really brightens up the entire environment. Most of the furnishings and accessories used are in neutral tones to enhance the color scheme.

Tips for Decorating a Small French Apartment

The main living room in a small French apartment is the place where most of the activity happens. The walls are painted a light shade of blue to provide the best contrast with the parquet flooring and wooden furniture around. Decorating the room demands some restraint. Simple and elegant French furniture like an Eiffel Tower, Chateau de Versailles, or Louis XIV Mapuche will do the trick. As you wander through the parlor, you will be awed by the amount of creativity these artists have when it comes to furnishing their space.

If you want to inject some fun into your small French apartment, you can add a drape for window decoration. You can hang a drape along the top of the window to change the look of the room from an untidy bedroom to an elegant living room. You can find beautiful curtains made of lace, silk, or velvet in various colors to compliment the theme. To make the curtains more attractive, you can hang them with a colorful scarf tied around the middle. Your scarf can also serve as a decorative strip across the top of the drape. Hanging some flowers on the drape will bring forth a soft and romantic ambiance in the room.

Adding a Fountain In The Apartment

Another great addition to a small French apartment is a fountain. There are many types of fountains you can install in your apartment such as a fish-shaped fountain, a water fountain that sprays water all over the place, or a wall fountain. Depending on your budget, you can purchase an authentic fountain or purchase one that mimics the look of a real French chateau. Mirrors can also add a touch of elegance to your space. Mirrors can be found decorated with fleur-de-lis motifs, intricate geometric designs, or in simple patterns.

Other items that you can have in your small French apartment include artwork and pictures of France. Pictures can be displayed on the wall or hung up on the wall. Some of the most popular pieces of artwork include Mona Lisa, The Flight of The Eagle, The Thinker, The Virgin Mary, The Children, and The Golden Fleece. Other interesting items you can have in your parlor are murals. There are countless choices of murals for sale online or at art galleries. You can find anything from elegant depictions of cities, scenic scenes, or landscape paintings.

Creating a Luxurious French Apartment Living Room

Having an elegant and decorative small French apartment is just one accessory you need to create a luxurious living space. Other popular decorating accessories include having comfortable furniture like couches, chairs, and tables. Some of the most popular pieces of furniture include ottomans and armoires. These pieces of furniture can be found in leather, fabric, or metal.

If you desire a small French apartment living room, it is important to make sure the flooring is resistant to stains. Stained floors will make cleaning difficult. It is important that the walls are painted in neutral colors so your home’s decorating style is not ruined by a vibrant paint. A low maintenance walling material to install on the walls would be a great idea.

If you want a stylish and inviting small French country home, then investing in a home will be an excellent investment decision. These types of apartments are very popular and you will be able to find them easily online. With this information, you will be well on your way to being able to purchase your dream French home. There is truly a wonderful opportunity for you to own your own home with only a small investment.


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